
On September 23rd, 2024, Herodotus requested an audit of their Integrity verifier, which is a Cairo verifier deployed on Starknet. The audit was conducted by three consultants over the course of four weeks. The main focus of the audit was the soundness of the protocol by looking in depth at the STARK and FRI protocol it uses and comparing it to the reference implementation from Starkware.


The scope of the audit included the following components:


First, we explored in depth the Cairo, STARK, and FRI protocols used by the Integrity verifier.

Second, the Herodotus team used Starkware’s existing Cairo verifier implementation as reference, so we checked for unintended divergences from that implementation. This step involved checking both the implementation logic and the language differences, since Starkware’s verifier is written in Cairo 0 while Integrity is written in Cairo 1.

Third, we tracked the following added features from the reference implementation:

  • split contracts
  • split proofs
  • support verifying Cairo 1 programs (reference implementation only verifies Cairo 0 programs)
  • support stone prover v6 proofs

Divergences from Starkware’s verifier

Splitting contracts

Starknet, like other blockchains, has various physical constraints in processing transactions (see

Description Mainnet
Max Cairo steps for transaction The maximum number of computational steps, measured in Cairo steps, that a transaction can contain. 10,000,000
Max calldata length 4,000 felts
Max contract class size The maximum size for a contract class within Starknet.
4,089,446 bytes

To overcome these limitations, Integrity divided the verifier into multiple contracts. The autogenerated code responsible for polynomial evaluation in each layout is the largest part in terms of size. For example, in, the implementation of eval_oods_polynomial_inner() has been separated into a different contract, src/air/layouts/small/autogenerated.cairo.

#[cfg(feature: 'monolith')]
use cairo_verifier::air::layouts::small::autogenerated::{
    eval_oods_polynomial_inner as eval_oods_polynomial_inner_,

#[cfg(feature: 'monolith')]
fn eval_oods_polynomial_inner(
    column_values: Span<felt252>,
    oods_values: Span<felt252>,
    constraint_coefficients: Span<felt252>,
    point: felt252,
    oods_point: felt252,
    trace_generator: felt252,
    contract_address: ContractAddress,
) -> felt252 {
        column_values, oods_values, constraint_coefficients, point, oods_point, trace_generator,

This structure appears in various layouts such as recursive and starknet_with_keccak.

Splitting proofs

When transmitting proofs through calldata, the size limit of calldata becomes an issue. Since the FRI witness accounts for a large portion of the proof size, the FRI witness is divided into multiple steps and verified through separate transactions. The code for splitting the proof is implemented in The basic idea is that a user sequentially calls verify_proof_initial, verify_proof_step, and verify_proof_final with divided proofs in separate transactions. In each transaction, information about the partial proof is stored in state variables.

// src/contracts/verifier.cairo

fn verify_proof_step(
    ref self: ContractState,
    job_id: JobId,
    state_constant: FriVerificationStateConstant,
    state_variable: FriVerificationStateVariable,
    witness: FriLayerWitness,
) -> (FriVerificationStateVariable, u32) {

    let (con, var) = StarkProofImpl::verify_step(
        state_constant, state_variable, witness, @settings

    let layers_left = con.n_layers - var.iter;

    (var, layers_left)

Only after all partial proofs have been transmitted can the verification be performed.

Supporting verifying Cairo 1 programs

Cairo 0 programs have a simple public memory structure that allows the verifier to check the following:

  1. The program contains a set of fixed instructions at the beginning.
  2. The first and final instructions of the program are fixed.
  3. The arguments and return values of the main function are builtin pointers that are specified in the public input.

Cairo 1 programs have a more complex public memory structure compared to Cairo 0 programs, making them more difficult to verify.

For example, Cairo 1 programs create an additional entry code function that is called before the main function in order to handle language particulars that are unique to Cairo 1 programs, such as dictionaries and gas builtin. It also handles builtin pointers differently compared to Cairo 0 programs.

Another example is the structure of the output segment of the public memory. Cairo 1 programs accept inputs to the main function, which are then serialized into the output segment of the public memory. Cairo 1 programs are allowed to panic, which means that a valid trace of the program can be created even though the program fails during execution. This is handled by adding an extra value at the output segment of the public memory indicating whether the program has panicked or not.

Since Cairo 1 programs have a more complex public memory structure, the integrity verifier opts removes some of the checks that are performed on the public memory for Cairo 0 programs.

Supporting Stone Prover v6 proofs

The Stone Prover v6 ( has two major differences from v5:

  1. When creating the initial seed for the Fiat-Shamir used in the STARK protocol, the prover hashes the public input of the proof. In v6, the n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers value is added in addition to the values added in v5.

rust if *settings.stone_version == StoneVersion::Stone6 { hash_data.append(n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers); }

  1. For the commitment hash used in the STARK protocol, v5 only supported 160-bit masks, while v6 also supports 248-bit masks.

rust let (hasher, hasher_bit_length) = if verifier_config.hasher == 'keccak_160_lsb' { ('keccak', HasherBitLength::Lsb160) } else if verifier_config.hasher == 'keccak_248_lsb' { ('keccak', HasherBitLength::Lsb248) } else if verifier_config.hasher == 'blake2s_160_lsb' { ('blake2s', HasherBitLength::Lsb248) } else { assert(verifier_config.hasher == 'blake2s_248_lsb', 'Unsupported hasher variant'); ('blake2s', HasherBitLength::Lsb248) };


Based on the findings of the audit, we recommend the following steps to enhance the security and robustness of the Integrity verifier.

While the codebase was found to be generally well-designed and implemented in Cairo, there is significant room for improvement in the area of documentation. Specifically, clearer specification of the protocols used, such as FRI and other cryptographic primitives, would significantly enhance code readability, maintainability, and auditability. We mention this in more detail in finding Lack Of Specification Makes It Difficult To Verify The Implementation. As part of this work we started writing specifications for the STARK, FRI, Channel, and Hash-based Polynomial Commitment schemes, which can be found at Included after this section are the specifications at the moment of this writing. Refer to the previous link for an up-to-date version. We strongly recommend that the Herodotus team continue to improve these specifications and consider performing another audit once they are in a better place (including adding a Cairo specification to address finding Cairo Public Input Validation Might Not Be Sufficient).

In addition we observed that the existing tests and integration tests cover only the most basic scenarios, leaving room for significant improvement in test coverage. A notable example is the splitted proof verification process, which involves verifying divided proofs in sequential stages. Although the documentation provides an explanation about how the integrity verifier splits proofs and a script for splitting and verifying proofs, this crucial component is not only separated into an independent repository but is also absent from the integration tests. More comprehensive tests should be included to verify proper functionality, including easier ways to generate and (de)serialize proofs in different ways to create different ways to verify them or to implement negative tests (e.g. a malformed proof should not be verifiable).

Finally, layout codes rely on calculations from auto-generated code, which is generated using a Python script src/air/layouts/_generator/ that converts the Cairo 0 code from the reference implementation into Cairo 1 code. Given the critical importance of this generator code, we strongly recommend implementing additional verification procedures for this component, and considering performing an audit of the generator code itself.

Starknet Channels for Fiat-Shamir Instantiation

For a more up-to-date specification check

Channels are an abstraction used to mimic the communication channel between the prover and the verifier in a non-interactive protocol. It is useful to ensure that all prover messages are correctly absorbed before being used by the verifier, and that all verifier challenges are correctly produced.


A channel is an object that mimics the communication channel between the prover and the verifier, and is used to abstract the Fiat-Shamir transformation used to make the protocol non-interactive.

The Fiat-Shamir transformation works on public-coin protocols, in which the messages of the verifier are pure random values. To work, the Fiat-Shamir transformation replaces the verifier messages with a hash function applied over the transcript up to that point.

A channel is initialized at the beginning of the protocol, and is instantiated with a hash function. It is implemented as a continuous hash that “absorbs” every prover message and which output can be used to produce the verifier’s challenges.


A channel is instantiated with the following two dependencies:

  • hades_permutation(s1, s2, s3). The Hades permutation which permutes a given state of three field elements.
  • poseidon_hash_span(field_elements). The Poseidon sponge function which hashes a list of field elements.


A channel has two fields:

  • A digest, which represents the current internal state.
  • A counter, which helps produce different values when the channel is used repeatedly to sample verifier challenges.

The channel has the following interface:

Initialize. This initializes the channel in the following way:

  • Set the digest to the given digest, which is the prologue/context to the protocol.
  • Set the counter to 0.

Absorb a message from the prover.

  • Resets the counter to 0.
  • Set the digest to POSEIDON_hash(digest + 1 || value).

Absorb multiple messages from the prover.

  • Resets the counter to 0.
  • Set the digest to POSEIDON_hash(digest + 1 || values).

This function is not compatible with multiple call to the previous function.

Produce a verifier challenge.

  • Produce a random value as hades_permutation(digest, counter, 2).
  • Increment the counter.

With the current design, two different protocols where one produces n challenges and another that produces m challenges will have the same “transcript” and thus will continue to produce the same challenges later on in the protocol. While there are no issues in this design in the context of Starknet, this might not always be secure when used in other protocols.

Starknet Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitments

For a more up-to-date specification check

Merkle tree polynomial commitments provide a standard on how to commit to a polynomial using a Merkle tree.


Commitments of polynomials are done using Merkle trees. The Merkle trees can be configured to hash some parameterized number of the lower layers using a circuit-friendly hash function (Poseidon).


  • the verifier-friendly hash is hades_permutation(s1, s2, 2) always setting the last field element to 2
  • the default hash is either keccak256 or blake2s


MONTGOMERY_R = 3618502788666127798953978732740734578953660990361066340291730267701097005025. The Montgomery form of 2256modSTARK_PRIME.

Vector Commitments

A vector commitment is simply a Merkle tree. It is configured with two fields:

  • height: the height of the Merkle tree
  • n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers: the depth at which layers will start using the verifier-friendly hash.

tree indexing

vector commit

Table Commitments

A table commitment in this context is a vector commitment where leaves are hashes of multiple values. Or in other words, a leaf can be seen as a hash of a table of multiple columns and a single row.

It can be configured with two fields:

  • n_columns: the number of columns in each leaf of the tree
  • vector: the vector commitment configuration (see previous section).

A few examples:

  • the trace polynomials in the STARK verifier specification are table commitments where each leaf is a hash of the evaluations of all the trace column polynomials at the same point
  • the composition polynomial in the STARK verifier specification is a table commitment where each leaf is a hash of the evaluations of the composition polynomial columns at the same point
  • the FRI layer commitments in the FRI verifier specification are table commitments where each leaf is a hash of the evaluations of the FRI layer columns at associated points (e.g. v and v)

Note that values are multiplied to the MONTGOMERY_R constant before being hashed as leaves in the tree.

Index to Path Conversion

Random evaluation of the polynomial might produce an index in the range [0,2h) with h the height of the tree. Due to the way the tree is indexed, we have to convert that index into a path. To do that, the index is added with the value 2h to set its MSB.

For example, the index 0 becomes the path 10000 which correctly points to the first leaf in our example.

Vector Membership Proofs

A vector decommitment/membership proof must provide a witness (the neighbor nodes missing to compute the root of the Merkle tree) ordered in a specific way. The following algorithm dictates in which order the nodes hash values provided in the proof are consumed:

vector decommit

Verifier-Friendly Layers

A n_verifier_friendly_layers variable can be passed which dictates at which layer the Merkle tree starts using a verifier-friendly hash.

In the following example, the height of the table commitment is 6 (and the height of the vector commitment is 5). As such, a n_verifier_friendly_layers of 6 would mean that only the table would use the verifier-friendly hash. A n_verifier_friendly_layers of 5 would mean that the last / bottom layer of the Merkle tree would also use the verifier-friendly hash. A n_verifier_friendly_layers of 1 would mean that all layers would use the verifier-friendly hash.

vector decommit

Starknet FRI Verifier

For a more up-to-date specification check

The Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive Oracle Proofs of Proximity (FRI) is a cryptographic protocol that allows a prover to prove to a verifier (in an interactive, or non-interactive fashion) that a hash-based commitment (e.g. a Merkle tree of evaluations) of a vector of values represent the evaluations of a polynomial of some known degree. (That is, the vector committed is not just a bunch of uncorrelated values.) The algorithm is often referred to as a "low degree" test, as the degree of the underlying polynomial is expected to be much lower than the degree of the field the polynomial is defined over. Furthermore, the algorithm can also be used to prove the evaluation of a committed polynomial, an application that is often called FRI-PCS. We discuss both algorithms in this document, as well as how to batch multiple instances of the two algorithms.

For more information about the original construction, see Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive Oracle Proofs of Proximity. This document is about the specific instantiation of FRI and FRI-PCS as used by the StarkNet protocol.

Specifically, it matches the integrity verifier, which is a Cairo 1 implementation of a Cairo verifier. There might be important differences with the Cairo verifier implemented in C++ or Solidity.


We briefly give an overview of the FRI protocol, before specifying how it is used in the StarkNet protocol.


Note that the protocol implemented closely resembles the high-level explanations of the ethSTARK paper, as such we refer to it in places.

FRI is a protocol that works by successively reducing the degree of a polynomial, and where the last reduction is a constant polynomial of degree 0. Typically the protocol obtains the best runtime complexity when each reduction can halve the degree of its input polynomial. For this reason, FRI is typically described and instantiated on a polynomial of degree a power of 2.

If the reductions are “correct”, and it takes n reductions to produce a constant polynomial in the “last layer”, then it is a proof that the original polynomial at “layer 0” was of degree at most 2n.

In order to ensure that the reductions are correct, two mechanisms are used:

  1. First, an interactive protocol is performed with a verifier who helps randomize the halving of polynomials. In each round the prover commits to a “layer” polynomial.
  2. Second, as commitments are not algebraic objects (as FRI works with hash-based commitments), the verifier query them in multiple points to verify that an output polynomial is consistent with its input polynomial and a random challenge. (Intuitively, the more queries, the more secure the protocol.)

To illustrate how FRI works, one can use sagemath with the following setup:

# We use the starknet field (
starknet_prime = 2^251 + 17*2^192 + 1
starknet_field = GF(starknet_prime)
polynomial_ring.<x> = PolynomialRing(starknet_field)

# find generator of the main group
gen = starknet_field.multiplicative_generator()
assert gen == 3
assert starknet_field(gen)^(starknet_prime-1) == 1 # 3^(order-1) = 1

# lagrange theorem gives us the orders of all the multiplicative subgroups
# which are the divisors of the main multiplicative group order (which, remember, is p - 1 as 0 is not part of it)
# p - 1 = 2^192 * 5 * 7 * 98714381 * 166848103
multiplicative_subgroup_order = starknet_field.order() - 1
assert list(factor(multiplicative_subgroup_order)) == [(2, 192), (5, 1), (7, 1), (98714381, 1), (166848103, 1)]

# find generator of subgroup of order 2^192
# the starknet field has high 2-adicity, which is useful for FRI and FFTs
# (
gen2 = gen^( (starknet_prime-1) / (2^192) )
assert gen2^(2^192) == 1

# find generator of a subgroup of order 2^i for i <= 192
def find_gen2(i):
    assert i >= 0
    assert i <= 192
    return gen2^( 2^(192-i) )

assert find_gen2(0)^1 == 1
assert find_gen2(1)^2 == 1
assert find_gen2(2)^4 == 1
assert find_gen2(3)^8 == 1


A reduction in the FRI protocol is obtained by interpreting an input polynomial p as a polynomial of degree 2n and splitting it into two polynomials g and h of degree n such that p(x)=g(x2)+xh(x2).

Then, with the help of a verifier’s random challenge ζ, we can produce a random linear combination of these polynomials to obtain a new polynomial g(x)+ζh(x) of degree n:

def split_poly(p, remove_square=True):
    assert ( % 2 == 0
    g = (p + p(-x))/2 # <---------- nice trick!
    h = (p - p(-x))//(2 * x) # <--- nice trick!
    # at this point g and h are still around the same degree of p
    # we need to replace x^2 by x for FRI to continue (as we want to halve the degrees!)
    if remove_square:
        g = g.parent(g.list()[::2]) # <-- (using python's <!--CODE_BLOCK_2851--> syntax)
        h = h.parent(h.list()[::2])
        assert == == // 2
        assert p(7) == g(7^2) + 7 * h(7^2)
        assert == == - 1
        assert p(7) == g(7) + 7 * h(7)
    return g, h

When instantiating the FRI protocol, like in this specification, the verifier is removed using the Fiat-Shamir transformation in order to make the protocol non-interactive.

We can look at the following example to see how a polynomial of degree 7 is reduced to a polynomial of degree 0 in 3 rounds:

# p0(x) = 1 + 2x + 3x^2 + 4x^3 + 5x^4 + 6x^5 + 7x^6 + 8x^7
# degree 7 means that we'll get ceil(log2(7)) = 3 rounds (and 4 layers)
p0 = polynomial_ring([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) 

# round 1: moves from degree 7 to degree 3
h0, g0 = split_poly(p0)
assert == == 3
zeta0 = 3 # <-------------------- the verifier would pick a random zeta
p1 = h0 + zeta0 * g0 # <--------- the prover would send a commitment of p1
assert p0(zeta0) == p1(zeta0^2) # <- sanity check

# round 2: reduces degree 3 to degree 1
h1, g1 = split_poly(p1)
assert == == 1
zeta1 = 12 # <------------ the verifier would pick a random zeta
p2 = h1 + zeta1 * g1 # <-- the prover would send a commitment of p2
assert p1(zeta1) == p2(zeta1^2)
h2, g2 = split_poly(p2)
assert == == 0

# round 3: reduces degree 1 to degree 0
zeta2 = 3920 # <---------- the verifier would pick a random zeta
p3 = h2 + zeta2 * g2 # <-- the prover could send p3 in the clear
assert p2(zeta2) == p3
assert == 0


In the real FRI protocol, each layer’s polynomial would be sent using a hash-based commitment (e.g. a Merkle tree of its evaluations over a large domain). As such, the verifier must ensure that each commitment consistently represents the proper reduction of the previous layer’s polynomial. To do that, they “query” commitments of the different polynomials of the different layers at points/evaluations. Let’s see how this works.

Given a polynomial p0(x)=g0(x2)+xh0(x2) and two of its evaluations at some points v and v, we can see that the verifier can recover the two halves by computing:

  • g0(v2)=p0(v)+p0(v)2
  • h0(v2)=p0(v)p0(v)2v

Then, the verifier can compute the next layer’s evaluation at v2 as:


We can see this in our previous example:

# first round/reduction
v = 392 # <-------------------------------------- fake sample a point
p0_v, p0_v_neg = p0(v), p0(-v) # <--------------- the 2 queries we need
g0_square = (p0_v + p0_v_neg)/2
h0_square = (p0_v - p0_v_neg)/(2 * v)
assert p0_v == g0_square + v * h0_square # <------ sanity check

In practice, to check that the evaluation on the next layer’s polynomial is correct, the verifier would “query” the prover’s commitment to the polynomial. These queries are different from the FRI queries (which enforce consistency between layers of reductions), they are evaluation queries or commitment queries and result in practice in the prover providing a Merkle membership proof (also called decommitment in this specification) to the committed polynomial.

As we already have an evaluation of v2 of the next layer’s polynomial p1, we can simply query the evaluation of p1(v2) to continue the FRI query process on the next layer, and so on:

p1_v = p1(v^2) # <-------------------------------- query on the next layer
assert g0_square + zeta0 * h0_square == p1_v # <--- the correctness check

# second round/reduction
p1_v_neg = p1(-v^2) # <-- the 1 query we need
g1_square = (p1_v + p1_v_neg)/2 # g1(v^4)
h1_square = (p1_v - p1_v_neg)/(2 * v^2) # h1(v^4)
assert p1_v == g1_square + v^2 * h1_square # p1(v^2) = g1(v^4) + v^2 * h1(v^4)
p2_v = p2(v^4) # <-- query the next layer
assert p2(v^4) == g1_square + zeta1 * h1_square # p2(v^4) = g1(v^4) + zeta1 * h1(v^4)

# third round/reduction
p2_v_neg = p2(-v^4) # <-- the 1 query we need
g2_square = (p2_v + p2_v_neg)/2 # g2(v^8)
h2_square = (p2_v - p2_v_neg)/(2 * v^4) # h2(v^8)
assert p2_v == g2_square + v^4 * h2_square # p2(v^4) = g2(v^8) + v^4 * h2(v^8)
assert p3 == g2_square + zeta2 * h2_square # we already received p3 at the end of the protocol
Skipping FRI layers

skipped layers

Section 3.11.1 “Skipping FRI Layers” of the ethSTARK paper describes an optimization which skips some of the layers/rounds. The intuition is the following: if we removed the first round commitment (to the polynomial p1), then the verifier would not be able to:

  • query p1(v2) to verify that layer
  • query p1(v2) to continue the protocol and get g1,h1

The first point is fine, as there’s nothing to check the correctness of. To address the second point, we can use the same technique we use to compute p1(v2). Remember, we needed p0(v) and p0(v) to compute g0(v2) and h0(v2). But to compute g0(v2) and h0(v2), we need the quadratic residues of v2, that is w, such that w2=v2, so that we can compute g0(v2) and h0(v2) from p0(w) and p0(w).

We can easily compute them by using τ (tau), the generator of the subgroup of order 4:

tau = find_gen2(2)
assert tau.multiplicative_order() == 4

# so now we can compute the two roots of -v^2 as
assert (tau * v)^2 == -v^2
assert (tau^3 * v)^2 == -v^2

# and when we query p2(v^4) we can verify that it is correct
# if given the evaluations of p0 at v, -v, tau*v, tau^3*v
p0_tau_v = p0(tau * v)
p0_tau3_v = p0(tau^3 * v)
p1_v_square = (p0_v + p0_v_neg)/2 + zeta0 * (p0_v - p0_v_neg)/(2 * v)
p1_neg_v_square = (p0_tau_v + p0_tau3_v)/2 + zeta0 * (p0_tau_v - p0_tau3_v)/(2 * tau * v)
assert p2(v^4) == (p1_v_square + p1_neg_v_square)/2 + zeta1 * (p1_v_square - p1_neg_v_square)/(2 * v^2)

There is no point producing a new challenge zeta1 as nothing more was observed from the verifier’s point of view during the skipped round. As such, FRI implementations will usually use zeta0^2 as “folding factor” (and so on if more foldings occur).

Last Layer Optimization

Section 3.11.2 “FRI Last Layer” of the ethSTARK paper describes an optimization which stops at an earlier round. We show this here by removing the last round.

At the end of the second round we imagine that the verifier receives the coefficients of p2 (h2 and g2) directly:

p2_v = h2 + v^4 * g2 # they can then compute p2(v^4) directly
assert g1_square + zeta1 * h1_square == p2_v # and then check correctness


Given a polynomial f and an evaluation point a, a prover who wants to prove that f(a)=b can prove the related statement for some quotient polynomial q of degree deg(f)1:


(This is because if f(a)=b then a should be a root of f(x)b and thus the polynomial can be factored in this way.)

Specifically, FRI-PCS proves that they can produce such a (commitment to a) polynomial q.

Aggregating Multiple FRI Proofs

To prove that two polynomials a and b exist and are of degree at most d, a prover simply shows using FRI that a random linear combination of a and b exists and is of degree at most d.

Note that if the FRI check might need to take into account the different degree checks that are being aggregated. For example, if the polynomial a should be of degree at most d but the polynomial should be of degree at most d+3 then a degree correction needs to happen. We refer to the ethSTARK paper for more details as this is out of scope for this specification. (As used in the STARK protocol targeted by this specification, it is enough to show that the polynomials are of low degree.)

Notable Differences With Vanilla FRI

Besides obvious missing implementation details from the description above, the protocol is pretty much instantiated as is, except for a few changes to the folding and querying process.

As explained above, in the “vanilla FRI” protocol the verifier gets evaluations of p0(v) and p0(v) and computes the next layer’s evaluation at v2 as


which is equivalent to




The first difference in this specification is that, assuming no skipped layers, the folded polynomial is multiplied by 2:


This means that the verifier has to modify their queries slightly by not dividing by 2:


The second difference is that while the evaluations of the first layer p0 happen in a coset called evaluation domain, further evaluations happen in the original (blown up) trace domain (which is avoided for the first polynomial as it might lead to divisions by zero with the polynomials used in the Starknet STARK protocol). To do this, the prover defines the first reduced polynomial as:


Notice that the prover has also multiplied the right term with 3. This is a minor change that helps with how the verifier code is structured.

This means that the verifier computes the queries on p1(x) at points on the original subgroup. So the queries of the first layer are produced using v=v/3 (assuming no skipped layers).


We assume no skipped layers, which is always the case in this specification for the first layer’s reduction.

After that, everything happens as normal (except that now the prover uses the original blown-up trace domain instead of a coset to evaluate and commit to the layer polynomials).

Note that these changes can easily be generalized to work when layers are skipped.

External Dependencies

In this section we list all the dependencies and interfaces this standard relies on.

Hash Functions

We rely on two type of hash functions:

  • A verifier-friendly hash. Specifically, Poseidon.
  • A standard hash function. Specifically, Keccak.


See the Channel specification for details.

Verifying the first FRI layer

As part of the protocol, the prover must provide a number of evaluations of the first layer polynomial p0 (based on the FRI queries that the verifier generates in the query phase of the protocol).

We abstract this here as an oracle that magically provides evaluations. It is the responsibility of the user of this protocol to ensure that the evaluations are correct (which most likely include verifying a number of decommitments). See the Starknet STARK verifier specification for a concrete usage example.

For example, the STARK protocol computes evaluations of p0(v) (but not p0(v)) using decommitments of trace column polynomials and composition column polynomials at the same path corresponding to the evaluation point v.


We use the following constants throughout the protocol.

Protocol constants

STARKNET_PRIME = 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020481. The Starknet prime (2251+17·2192+1).

FIELD_GENERATOR = 3. The generator for the main multiplicative subgroup of the Starknet field. This is also used as the coset factor to produce the coset used in the first layer’s evaluation.

FRI constants

MAX_LAST_LAYER_LOG_DEGREE_BOUND = 15. The maximum degree of the last layer polynomial (in log2).

MAX_FRI_LAYERS = 15. The maximum number of layers in the FRI protocol.

MAX_FRI_STEP = 4. The maximum number of layers that can be involved in a reduction in FRI (see the overview for more details). This essentially means that each reduction (except for the first as we specify later) can skip 0 to 3 layers.

This means that the standard can be implemented to test that committed polynomials exist and are of degree at most 215+15=230.

Step Generators And Inverses

As explained in the overview, skipped layers must involve the use of elements of the subgroups of order 2i for i the number of layers included in a step (from 1 to 4 as specified previously).

As different generators can generate the same subgroups, we have to define the generators that are expected. Instead, we define the inverse of the generators of groups of different orders (as it more closely matches the code):

  • const OMEGA_16: felt252 = 0x5c3ed0c6f6ac6dd647c9ba3e4721c1eb14011ea3d174c52d7981c5b8145aa75;
  • const OMEGA_8: felt252 = 0x446ed3ce295dda2b5ea677394813e6eab8bfbc55397aacac8e6df6f4bc9ca34;
  • const OMEGA_4: felt252 = 0x1dafdc6d65d66b5accedf99bcd607383ad971a9537cdf25d59e99d90becc81e;
  • const OMEGA_2: felt252 = -1

So here, for example, OMEGA_8 is 1/ω8 where ω8 is the generator of the subgroup of order 8 that we later use in the Verify A Layer’s Query section.


General configuration

The FRI protocol is globally parameterized according to the following variables. For a real-world example, check the Starknet STARK verifier specification.

n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers. The number of layers (starting from the bottom) that make use of the circuit-friendly hash.

proof_of_work_bits. The number of bits required for the proof of work. This value should be between 20 and 50.

FRI configuration

A FRI configuration contains the following fields:

log_input_size. The size of the input layer to FRI, specifically the log number of evaluations committed (this should match the log of the evaluation domain size).

n_layers. The number of layers or folding that will occur as part of the FRI proof. This value must be within the range [2, MAX_FRI_LAYERS] (see constants).

inner_layers. An array of TableCommitmentConfig where each configuration represents what is expected of each commitment sent as part of the FRI proof. Refer to the Table Commitments section of the Starknet Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitments specification.

fri_step_sizes. The number of layers to skip for each folding/reduction of the protocol. The first step must always be zero, as no layer is skipped during the first reduction. Each step should be within the range [1, MAX_FRI_STEP]. For each step, the corresponding layer inner_layers[i-1] should have enough columns to support the reduction: n_columns = 2^fri_step.

log_last_layer_degree_bound. The degree of the last layer’s polynomial. As it is sent in clear as part of the FRI protocol, this value represents the (log) number of coefficients (minus 1) that the proof will contain. It must be less or equal to MAX_LAST_LAYER_LOG_DEGREE_BOUND (see constants).

In addition, the following validations should be performed on passed configurations:

  • for every fri_step_sizes[i] check:
    • that the previous layer table commitment configuration inner_Layers[i-1] has
    • a valid configuration, which can be verified using the expected log input size and the n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers
      • expected log input size should be the input size minus all the step sizes so far
  • the log_expected_input_degree + log_n_cosets == log_input_size
    • where log_expected_input_degree = sum_of_step_sizes + log_last_layer_degree_bound

Domains and Commitments

There are three types of domains:

The trace domain, this is the domain chosen to evaluate the execution trace polynomials. It is typically the smallest subgroup of order 2nt for some nt, such that it can include all the constraints of an AIR constraint system. A generator for the trace domain can be found as ωt=3(p1)/nt (since ωtnt=1)

The blown-up trace domain, which is chosen as a subgroup of a power of two 2ne that encompasses the trace domain (i.e. et). The “blown up factor” typically dictates how much larger the evaluation domain is as a multiple. A generator for the blown-up trace domain can be found as ωe=3(p1)/ne.

The evaluation domain, This is a coset of the blown-up domain, computed using the generator of the main group: {3·ωei|i[[0,ne]]}.

Commitments are created using table commitments as described in the Table Commitments section of the Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitments specification.

For the first layer polynomial, the evaluations being committed are in a coset called the evaluation domain.

For all other polynomials, commitments are made up of evaluations in the blown-up trace domain (following the correction outlined in the Notable Differences With Vanilla FRI section).

The reason for choosing a coset is two-folds. First, in ZK protocols you want to avoid decommitting actual witness values by querying points in the trace domain. Choosing another domain helps but is not sufficient. As this specification does not provide a ZK protocol. The second reason is the one that is interesting to us: it is an optimization reason. As the prover needs to compute the composition polynomial, they can do this in the monomial basis (using vectors of coefficient of the polynomials) but it is expensive. For this reason, they usually operate on polynomials using the lagrange basis (using vectors of evaluations of the polynomials). As such, calculating the composition polynomial leads to divisions by zero if the trace domain is used. The prover could in theory use any other domains, but they decide to use the same domain that they use to commit (the evaluation domain) to avoid having to interpolate and re-evaluate in the domain to commit (which would involve two FFTs).


A FRI proof looks like the following:

struct FriUnsentCommitment {
    // Array of size n_layers - 1 containing unsent table commitments for each inner layer.
    inner_layers: Span<felt252>,
    // Array of size 2**log_last_layer_degree_bound containing coefficients for the last layer
    // polynomial.
    last_layer_coefficients: Span<felt252>,

The FRI protocol is split into two phases:

  1. Commit phase
  2. Query phase

We go through each of the phases in the next two subsections.

Commit Phase

The commit phase processes the FriUnsentCommitment object in the following way:

  1. Enforce that the first layer has a step size of 0 (cfg.fri_step_sizes[0] == 0). (Note that this is mostly to make sure that the prover is following the protocol correctly, as the second layer is never skipped in this standard.)
  2. Go through each commitment in order in the inner_layers field and perform the following:
  3. Absorb the commitment using the channel.
  4. Produce a random challenge.
  5. Absorb the last_layer_coefficients with the channel.
  6. Check that the last layer’s degree is correct (according to the configuration log_last_layer_degree_bound, see the Configuration section): 2^cfg.log_last_layer_degree_bound == len(unsent_commitment.last_layer_coefficients).
  7. return all the random challenges.

Query Phase

FRI queries are generated once, and then refined through each reduction of the FRI protocol. The number of queries that is pseudo-randomly generated is based on configuration.

Each FRI query is composed of the following fields:

  • index: the index of the query in the layer’s evaluations. Note that this value needs to be shifted before being used as a path in a Merkle tree commitment.
  • y_value: the evaluation of the layer’s polynomial at the queried point.
  • x_inv_value: the inverse of the point at which the layer’s polynomial is evaluated. This value is derived from the index as explained in the next subsection.
struct FriLayerQuery {
    index: felt252,
    y_value: felt252,
    x_inv_value: felt252,

That is, we should have for each FRI query for the layer i+1 the following identity:


Or in terms of commitment, that the decommitment at path index is y_value.

This is not exactly correct. The Commitment section explains that index points to a point, whereas we need to point to the path in the Merkle tree commitment that gathers its associated points. In addition, y_value only gives one evaluation, so the prover will need to witness associated evaluations surrounding the y_value as well (see Table Commitment section).

See the Converting A Query to a Path section of the Merkle tree specification for details.

Generating The First Queries

The generation of each FRI query goes through the same process:

  • Sample a random challenge from the channel.
  • Truncate the challenge to obtain the lower 128-bit chunk.
  • Reduce it modulo the size of the evaluation domain.

Finally, when all FRI queries have been generated, they are sorted in ascending order.

This gives you a value that is related to the path to query in a Merkle tree commitment, and can be used to derive the actual evaluation point at which the polynomial is evaluated. Commitments should reveal not just one evaluation, but correlated evaluations in order to help the protocol move forward. For example, if a query is generated for the evaluation point v, then the commitment will reveal the evaluation of a polynomial at v but also at v and potentially more points (depending on the number of layers skipped).

A query q (a value within [0,2ne] for ne the log-size of the evaluation domain) can be converted to an evaluation point in the following way. First, compute the bit-reversed exponent:


Then compute the element of the evaluation domain in the coset (with ωe the generator of the evaluation domain):


Finally, the expected evaluation can be computed using the API defined in the Verifying the first FRI layer section.

Verify A Layer’s Query

Besides the last layer, each layer verification of a query happens by:

  1. verifying the query on the current layer. This is done by effectively decommitting a layer’s query following the Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitment specification.
  2. computing the next query as explained below.

We illustrate this in the following diagram, pretending that associated evaluations are not grouped under the same path in the Merkle tree commitment (although in practice they are).

a FRI query

This means that when used in the STARK protocol, for example, the first layer represents the same polynomial as the aggregation of a number of FRI checks, and associated evaluations (e.g. v given v) are witnessed. This is akin to a reduction in the FRI protocol (except that the linear combination includes many more terms and scalars).

To verify the last layer’s query, as the last layer polynomial is received in clear, simply evaluate it at the queried point 1/fri_layer_query.x_inv_value and check that it matches the expected evaluation fri_layer_query.y_value.

Each query verification (except on the last layer) will produce queries for the next layer, which will expect specific evaluations.

The next queries are derived as:

  • index: index / coset_size
  • point: point^coset_size
  • value: see FRI formula below

where coset_size is 2, 4, 8, or 16 depending on the layer (but always 2 for the first layer).

Queries between layers verify that the next layer pi+j is computed correctly based on the current layer pi. The next layer is either the direct next layer pi+1 or a layer further away if the configuration allows layers to be skipped. Specifically, each reduction is allowed to skip 0, 1, 2, or 3 layers (see the MAX_FRI_STEP constant).

The FRI formula with no skipping is:

  • given a layer evaluations at ±v, a query without skipping layers work this way:
  • we can compute the next layer’s expected evaluation at v2 by computing pi+1(v2)=pi(v)+pi(v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(v)2v
  • we can then ask the prover to open the next layer’s polynomial at that point and verify that it matches

The FRI formula with 1 layer skipped with ω4 the generator of the 4-th roots of unity (such that ω42=1):

  • pi+1(v2)=pi(v)+pi(v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(v)2v
  • pi+1(v2)=pi(ω4v)+pi(ω4v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(ω4v)2·ω4·v
  • pi+2(v4)=pi+1(v2)+pi+1(v2)2+ζi2·pi(v2)pi(v2)2·v2

As you can see, this requires 4 evaluations of p_{i} at v, v, ω4v, ω4v.

The FRI formula with 2 layers skipped with ω8 the generator of the 8-th roots of unity (such that ω82=ω4 and ω84=1):

  • pi+1(v2)=pi(v)+pi(v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(v)2v
  • pi+1(v2)=pi(ω4v)+pi(ω4v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(ω4v)2·ω4·v
  • pi+1(ω4v2)=pi(ω8v)+pi(ω8v)2+ζi·pi(ω8v)pi(ω8v)2ω8v
  • pi+1(ω4v2)=pi(ω83v)+pi(ω83v)2+ζi·pi(ω83v)pi(ω83v)2·ω83·v
  • pi+2(v4)=pi+1(v2)+pi+1(v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(v2)pi+1(v2)2·v2
  • pi+2(v4)=pi+1(ω4v2)+pi+1(ω4v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(ω4v2)pi+1(ω4v2)2·ω4v2
  • pi+3(v8)=pi+2(v4)+pi+2(v4)2+ζi4·pi+2(v4)pi+2(v4)2·v4

As you can see, this requires 8 evaluations of p_{i} at v, v, ω4v, ω4v, ω8v, ω8v, ω83v, ω83v.

The FRI formula with 3 layers skipped with ω16 the generator of the 16-th roots of unity (such that ω162=ω8, ω164=ω4, and ω168=1):

  • pi+1(v2)=pi(v)+pi(v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(v)2v
  • pi+1(v2)=pi(ω4v)+pi(ω4v)2+ζi·pi(v)pi(ω4v)2·ω4·v
  • pi+1(ω4v2)=pi(ω8v)+pi(ω8v)2+ζi·pi(ω8v)pi(ω8v)2ω8v
  • pi+1(ω4v2)=pi(ω83v)+pi(ω83v)2+ζi·pi(ω83v)pi(ω83v)2·ω83·v
  • pi+1(ω8v2)=pi(ω16v)+pi(ω16v)2+ζi·pi(ω16v)pi(ω16v)2ω16v
  • pi+1(ω8v2)=pi(ω165v)+pi(ω165v)2+ζi·pi(ω165v)pi(ω165v)2ω165v
  • pi+1(ω83v2)=pi(ω163v)+pi(ω163v)2+ζi·pi(ω163v)pi(ω163v)2ω163v
  • pi+1(ω83v2)=pi(ω167v)+pi(ω167v)2+ζi·pi(ω167v)pi(ω167v)2ω167v
  • pi+2(v4)=pi+1(v2)+pi+1(v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(v2)pi+1(v2)2·v2
  • pi+2(v4)=pi+1(ω4v2)+pi+1(ω4v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(ω4v2)pi+1(ω4v2)2·ω4v2
  • pi+2(ω4v4)=pi+1(ω8v2)+pi+1(ω8v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(ω8v2)pi+1(ω8v2)2·ω8·v2
  • pi+2(ω4v4)=pi+1(ω83v2)+pi+1(ω83v2)2+ζi2·pi+1(ω83v2)pi+1(ω83v2)2·ω83v2
  • pi+3(v8)=pi+2(v4)+pi+2(v4)2+ζi4·pi+2(v4)pi+2(v4)2·v4
  • pi+3(v8)=pi+2(ω4v4)+pi+2(ω4v4)2+ζi4·pi+2(ω4v4)pi+2(ω4v4)2·ω4v4
  • pi+4(v16)=pi+3(v8)+pi+3(v8)2+ζi8·pi+3(v8)pi+3(v8)2·v8

As you can see, this requires 16 evaluations of p_{i} at v, v, ω4v, ω4v, ω8v, ω8v, ω83v, ω83v, ω16v, ω16v, ω163v, ω163v, ω165v, ω165v, ω7v, ω7v.

Proof of work

In order to increase the cost of attacks on the protocol, a proof of work is added at the end of the commitment phase.

Given a 32-bit hash digest and a difficulty target of proof_of_work_bits, verify the 64-bit proof of work nonce by doing the following:

  1. Produce a init_hash = hash_n_bytes(0x0123456789abcded || digest || proof_of_work_bits)
  2. Produce a hash = hash_n_bytes(init_hash || nonce)
  3. Enforce that the 128-bit high bits of hash start with proof_of_work_bits zeros (where proof_of_work_bits is enforced to be between 20 and 50 as discussed in the General Configuration section).

Full Protocol

The FRI flow is split into four main functions. The only reason for doing this is that verification of FRI proofs can be computationally intensive, and users of this specification might want to split the verification of a FRI proof in multiple calls.

The four main functions are:

  1. fri_commit, which returns the commitment to every layers of the FRI proof.
  2. fri_verify_initial, which returns the initial set of queries to verify the first reduction (Which is special as explained in the Notable Differences With Vanilla FRI section).
  3. fri_verify_step, which takes a set of queries and returns another set of queries.
  4. fri_verify_final, which takes the final set of queries and the last layer coefficients and returns the final result.

To retain context, functions pass around two objects:

struct FriVerificationStateConstant {
    // the number of layers in the FRI proof (including skipped layers)
    n_layers: u32, 
    // commitments to each layer (excluding the first, last, and any skipped layers)
    commitment: Span<TableCommitment>, 
    // verifier challenges used to produce each (non-skipped) layer polynomial (except the first)
    eval_points: Span<felt252>, 
    // the number of layers to skip for each reduction
    step_sizes: Span<felt252>, 
    // the hash of the polynomial of the last layer
    last_layer_coefficients_hash: felt252, 
struct FriVerificationStateVariable {
    // a counter representing the current layer being verified
    iter: u32, 
    // the FRI queries for each (non-skipped) layer
    queries: Span<FriLayerQuery>, 

It is the responsibility of the wrapping protocol to ensure that these three functions are called sequentially, enough times, and with inputs that match the output of previous calls.

We give more detail to each function below.


  1. Take a channel with a prologue (See the Channel section). A prologue contains any context relevant to this proof.
  2. Produce the FRI commits according to the Commit Phase section.
  3. Produce the proof of work according to the Proof of Work section.
  4. Generate n_queries queries in the eval_domain_size according to the Generating Queries section.
  5. Convert the queries to evaluation points following the Converting A Query To An Evaluation Point section, producing points.
  6. Evaluate the first layer at the queried points using the external dependency (see External Dependencies section), producing values.
  7. Produce the fri_decommitment as FriDecommitment { values, points }.

fri_verify_initial(queries, fri_commitment, decommitment). Takes the FRI queries, the FRI commitments (each layer’s committed polynomial), as well as the evaluation points and their associated evaluations of the first layer (in decommitment).

  1. Enforce that for each query there is a matching derived evaluation point and evaluation at that point on the first layer contained in the given decommitment.
  2. Enforce that last layer has the right number of coefficients as expected by the FRI configuration (see the FRI Configuration section).
  3. Compute the first layer of queries as FriLayerQuery { index, y_value, x_inv_value: 3 / x_value } for each x_value and y_value given in the decommitment. (This is a correction that will help achieve the differences in subsequent layers outlined in Notable Differences With Vanilla FRI).
  4. Initialize and return the two state objects
    FriVerificationStateConstant {
        n_layers: config.n_layers - 1,
        commitment: fri_commitment.inner_layers, // the commitments
        eval_points: fri_commitment.eval_points, // the challenges
        step_sizes: config.fri_step_sizes[1:], // the number of reduction at each steps
        last_layer_coefficients_hash: hash_array(last_layer_coefficients),
    FriVerificationStateVariable { iter: 0, queries: fri_queries } // the initial queries

fri_verify_step(stateConstant, stateVariable, witness, settings).

  1. Enforce that stateVariable.iter <= stateConstant.n_layers.
  2. Verify the queried layer and compute the next query following the Verify A Layer’s Query section.
  3. Increment the iter counter.
  4. Return the next queries and the counter.

fri_verify_final(stateConstant, stateVariable, last_layer_coefficients).

  1. Enforce that the counter has reached the last layer from the constants (iter == n_layers).
  2. Enforce that the last_layer_coefficient matches the hash contained in the state.
  3. Manually evaluate the last layer’s polynomial at every query and check that it matches the expected evaluations.
fn fri_verify_final(
    stateConstant: FriVerificationStateConstant,
    stateVariable: FriVerificationStateVariable,
    last_layer_coefficients: Span<felt252>,
) -> (FriVerificationStateConstant, FriVerificationStateVariable) {
    assert(stateVariable.iter == stateConstant.n_layers, 'Fri final called at wrong time');
        hash_array(last_layer_coefficients) == stateConstant.last_layer_coefficients_hash,
        'Invalid last_layer_coefficients'

    verify_last_layer(stateVariable.queries, last_layer_coefficients);

        FriVerificationStateVariable { iter: stateVariable.iter + 1, queries: array![].span(), }

Test Vectors

Refer to the reference implementation for test vectors.

Security Considerations

The current way to compute the bit security is to compute the following formula:

n_queries * log_n_cosets + proof_of_work_bits


  • n_queries is the number of queries generates
  • log_n_cosets is the log2 of the blow-up factor
  • proof_of_work_bits is the number of bits required for the proof of work (see the Proof of Work section).

Starknet STARK Verifier

For a more up-to-date specification check

In this document we specify the STARK verifier used in Starknet.


The protocol specified here is not “zero-knowledge”. It is purely aimed at providing succinctness. That is, it is useful to delegate computation.

Note that the protocol implemented closely resembles the high-level explanations of the ethSTARK paper, as such we refer to it in places.

This protocol is instantiated in several places to our knowledge:

In this section we give a brief overview of the Starknet STARK protocol. While the protocol used is designed to verify Cairo programs, we provide an agnostic specification. The instantiation of this protocol with Cairo should be the object of a different specification.

Before we delve into the details, let’s look at the protocol from a high-level protocol diagram point of view. The Starknet STARK protocol is divided in three main phases:

  1. Construction of an interactive arithmetization. In this phase the prover commits to different parts of the execution trace it wants to prove, using random challenges in-between.
  2. Aggregation of constraints into a composition polynomial. In this phase the prover commits to a composition polynomial that, if checked by FRI, proves that the execution trace satisfies the constraints. It also produces evaluations of commitments at a random point so that the verifier can check that the composition polynomial is well-formed.
  3. Aggregation of FRI proofs and FRI protocol. The composition polynomial FRI check as well as evaluation proofs (using FRI-PCS) of all the sent evaluations are aggregated into a single FRI check. The FRI protocol is then run to verify the aggregated FRI proof. See the Starknet FRI Verifier specification for more details.

We illustrate the flow in the following diagram:

STARK overview

In the next sections we review the different phases.

Interactive AIR Arithmetization

But first, we quickly remind the reader that the Starknet STARK protocol allows a prover to convince a verifier that an AIR (Algebraic Intermediate Representation) arithmetization is satisfied by their witness. This is generally augmented to also include a public input, usually via a public memory extension.

AIR is essentially two things:

  1. an indexed table representing the execution trace of a run, where columns can be seen as registers and the rows the values they take as one steps through a program. The table takes values when a prover tries to prove an execution.
  2. a list of fixed constraints that are agreed on.

The indexing of the table is chosen as the elements of the smallest subgroup of power 2 that can index the table.

Furthermore, the columns of a table can be grouped, which allows the prover to fill the table group by group, using challenges from the verifier in-between. This is useful in order to perform an interactive arithmetization where parts of the encoded circuit need verifier randomness to be computed.

We give the example of two “original” columns and one “interaction” column, indexed using the multiplicative subgroup of the 16-th roots of unity:


Here one constraint could be to enforce that col0[i] + col1[i] - col0[i+1] = 0 on every row i except the last one.

As the columns of the table are later interpolated over the index domain, such constraints are usually described and applied as polynomials. So the previous example constraint would look like the following polynomial:


where the domain polynomial D0 can be efficiently computed as x161w151.

The first phase of the Starknet STARK protocol is to iteratively construct the trace tables (what we previously called interactive arithmetization). The prover sends commitments to parts of the table, and receives verifier challenges in between.

In the instantiation of the Starknet STARK protocol, there are only two execution trace tables: the original trace table and the interaction trace table, the verifier challenges received in between are called the interaction challenges. Different Cairo layouts will give place to different trace tables and interaction challenges.

Composition Polynomial

The role of the verifier is now to verify constraints of the form of polynomials on the trace column polynomials, applied on a domain (a list of all the indexes on which the constraint applies).

As with our example above, we can imagine a list of constraints Ci(x) that need to vanish on a list of associated domains described by their domain polynomials Di(x).

By definition, this can be reduced to checking that you can write each Ci as Ci(x)=Di(x)·q(x) for some quotient polynomial q(x) of degree deg(Ci)deg(Di).

While protocols based on polynomial commitments like KZG would commit to the quotient polynomial and then prove the relation Ci(x)=Di(x)·q(x) at a random point (using Schwartz-Zippel), the Starknet STARK protocol uses a different approach: it uses a FRI check to prove that the commitment to the evaluations of q(x)=Ci(x)Di(x) correctly represents a polynomial of low degree.

As such, the role of the verifier is to verify that all the quotient polynomials associated with all the constraints exist and are of low-degree.

As we want to avoid having to go through many FRI checks, the verifier sends a challenge α which the prover can use to aggregate all of the constraint quotient polynomials into a composition polynomial h(x):=i=0Ci(x)Di(x)·αi.

This composition polynomial is quite big, so the prover provides a commitment to chunks or columns of the composition polynomials, interpreting h as h(x)=ihi(x)xi.

In the instantiation of this specification with Cairo, there are only two composition column polynomials: h(x)=h0(x)+h1(x)·x.

Finally, to allow the verifier to check that h has correctly been committed, Schwartz-Zippel is used with a random verifier challenge called the “oods point”. Specifically, the verifier evaluates the following and check that they match:

  • the left-hand side i=0Ci(oods_point)Di(oods_point)·αi
  • the right-hand side h0(oods_point)+h1(oods_point)·oods_point

Of course, the verifier cannot evaluate both sides without the help of the prover! The left-hand side involves evaluations of the trace polynomials at the oods point (and potentially shifted oods points), and the right-hand side involves evaluations of the composition column polynomials at the oods point as well.

As such, the prover sends the needed evaluations to the verifier so that the verifier can perform the check. (These evaluations are often referred to as the “mask” values.)

With our previous example constraint, the prover would have to provide the evaluations of f0(oods_point),f1(oods_point),f0(oods_point·w),h0(oods_point),h1(oods_point).

Notice that this “oods check” cannot happen in the domain used to index the trace polynomials. This is because the left-hand side involves divisions by domain polynomials Di(oods_point), which might lead to divisions by zero.

If oods_point=w3 and the second constraint is associated to the whole 16-element domain, then the verifier would have to compute a division with (w3)161 which would be a division by zero.

This is why the oods point is called “out-of-domain sampling”. Although nothing special is done when sampling this point, but the probability that it ends up in the trace domain is very low.

Aggregation and FRI Proof

The verifier now has to:

  1. Perform a FRI check on h0(x)+xh1(x) (which will verify the original prover claim that the trace polynomials satisfy the constraints).
  2. Verify all the evaluations that were sent, the prover and the verifier can use FRI-PCS for that, as described in the FRI-PCS section of the Starknet FRI Verifier specification.

In order to avoid running multiple instances of the FRI protocol, the FRI Aggregation technique is used as described in the Aggregating Multiple FRI Proofs section of the Starknet FRI Verifier specification. The verifier sends a challenge called oods_alpha which is used to aggregate all of the first layer of the previously discussed FRI proofs.

Finally, the FRI protocol is run as described in the Starknet FRI Verifier specification.


In this section we list all of the dependencies and interfaces this standard relies on.

AIR Arithmetization Dependency

While this specification was written with Cairo in mind, it should be usable with any AIR arithmetization that can be verified using the STARK protocol.

A protocol that wants to use this specification should provide the following:

interactive arithmetization. A description of the interactive arithmetization step, which should include in what order the different tables are committed and what verifier challenges are sent in-between.

eval_composition_polynomial. A function that takes all of the commitments, all of the evaluations, and a number of Merkle tree witnesses sent by the prover and produces an evaluation of the composition polynomial at the oods point. (This evaluation will depend heavily on the number of trace columns and the constraints of the given AIR arithmetization.) The function is expected to verify any decommitment (via the Merkle tree witnesses) that it uses.

eval_oods_polynomial. A function that takes all of the commitments, all of the evaluations, and a number of Merkle tree witnesses sent by the prover and produces a list of evaluations of the first layer polynomial of the FRI check at a list of queried points. The function is expected to verify any decommitment (via the Merkle tree witnesses) that it uses.

We refer to the Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitments specification on how to verify decommitments.


We use the following constants throughout the protocol.

Protocol constants

STARKNET_PRIME = 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020481. The Starknet prime (2251+17·2192+1).

FIELD_GENERATOR = 3. The generator for the main multiplicative subgroup of the Starknet field. This is also used as coset factor to produce the coset used in the first layer’s evaluation.


See the Channel specification for more details.


See the Starknet FRI Verifier specification.

Specifically, we expose the following functions:

  • fri_commit
  • fri_verify_initial
  • fri_verify_step
  • fri_verify_final

as well as the two objects FriVerificationStateConstant, FriVerificationStateVariable defined in that specification.


struct StarkConfig {
    traces: TracesConfig,
    composition: TableCommitmentConfig,
    fri: FriConfig,
    proof_of_work: ProofOfWorkConfig,
    // Log2 of the trace domain size.
    log_trace_domain_size: felt252,
    // Number of queries to the last component, FRI.
    n_queries: felt252,
    // Log2 of the number of cosets composing the evaluation domain, where the coset size is the
    // trace length.
    log_n_cosets: felt252,
    // Number of layers that use a verifier friendly hash in each commitment.
    n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers: felt252,

To validate:

  • compute the log of the evaluation domain size as the log of the trace domain size plus the log of the number of cosets
  • if every coset is of size 2nt with nt the log_trace_domain_size, and there is 2nc cosets, then the evaluation domain size is expected to be 2nt+nc
  • validate the traces
  • validate the composition
  • the rest (proof of work, FRI configuration) is validated as part of the FRI configuration validation

Buiding Blocks

The verifier accepts the following proof as argument:

struct StarkProof {
    config: StarkConfig,
    public_input: PublicInput,
    unsent_commitment: StarkUnsentCommitment,
    witness: StarkWitness,

struct StarkUnsentCommitment {
    traces: TracesUnsentCommitment,
    composition: felt252,
    // n_oods_values elements. The i-th value is the evaluation of the i-th mask item polynomial at
    // the OODS point, where the mask item polynomial is the interpolation polynomial of the
    // corresponding column shifted by the corresponding row_offset.
    oods_values: Span<felt252>,
    fri: FriUnsentCommitment,
    proof_of_work: ProofOfWorkUnsentCommitment,

We assume that the public input is instantiated and verified by the parent protocol, and thus is out of scope of this standard.

Domains and Commitments

Commitments to all the polynomials, before the FRI protocol, are done on evaluations of polynomials in the evaluation domain as defined in the Domains and Commitments section of the Starknet FRI Verifier specification.

Commitments to all the polynomials, before the FRI protocol, are done using table commitments as described in the Table Commitments section of the Merkle Tree Polynomial Commitments specification.

  • For trace polynomials in the interactive arithmetization phase, the tables committed into the leaves represent the evaluations of each of the trace columns at the same point.
  • For composition column polynomials in the composition polynomial phase, the tables committed into the leaves represent the evaluations of each of the composition columns at the same point.

STARK commit

The goal of the STARK commit is to process all of the commitments produced by the prover during the protocol (including the FRI commitments), as well as produce the verifier challenges.

  1. Interactive arithmetization to absorb the execution trace tables:
    1. Absorb the original table with the channel.
    2. Sample the interaction challenges (e.g. z and alpha for the memory check argument (different alpha called memory_alpha to distinguish it from the alpha used to aggregate the different constraints into the composition polynomial)).
    3. Absorb the interaction table with the channel.
  2. Produce the aggregation of the constraint quotient polynomials as the composition polynomial:
    1. Sample the alpha challenge (“composition_alpha”) to aggregate all the constraint quotient polynomials (caches the powers of alpha into “traces_coefficients”).
    2. Absorb the composition columns (the hi in h(x)=ihixi) with the channel.
    3. Sample the oods point (interaction_after_composition).
    4. Absorb all evaluations with the channel.
    5. Verify that the composition polynomial is correct by checking that its evaluation at the oods point is correct using some of the evaluations jCj(oods_point)Dj(oods_point)=ihi(oods_point)×oods_pointi.
      1. The right-hand side can be computed directly using the evaluations sent by the prover
      2. The left-hand side has to be computed using the eval_composition_polynomial function defined in the AIR Arithmetization Dependency section.
  3. Produce a challenge to aggregate all FRI checks and run the FRI protocol:
    1. Sample the oods_alpha challenge with the channel.
    2. Call fri_commit.

STARK verify

The goal of STARK verify is to verify evaluation queries (by checking that evaluations exist in the committed polynomials) and the FRI queries (by running the FRI verification).

To do this, we simply call the fri_verify_initial function contained in the FRI specification and give it the values computed by eval_oods_polynomial (as defined in the AIR Arithmetization Dependency section) as first evaluations associated with the queried points. It should return two FRI objects.

These evaluations will only provide evaluations of the first layer polynomial p0 at query points vi. The prover will witness evaluations at vi by themselves and prove that they are present in the first FRI commitment (of the polynomial p0.

Full Protocol

The protocol is split into 3 core functions:

  • verify_initial as defined below.
  • verify_step is a wrapper around fri_verify_step (see the FRI section).
  • verify_final is a wrapper around fri_verify_final (see the FRI section).

The verify initial function is defined as:

  1. Validate the configuration and return the security_bits
  2. Produce a stark domain object based on the configuration log_trace_domain_size and log_n_coset.
  3. Validate the public input.
  4. Compute the initial digest as get_public_input_hash(public_input, cfg.n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers, settings)
  5. Initialize the channel using the digest as defined in the Channel section.
  6. Call STARK commit as defined in the STARK commit section.
  7. Call STARK verify as defined in the STARK verify section and return the two FRI objects to the caller.

One can successively call them in the following order to verify a proof:

  1. Call verify_initial on the proof and return:
    • the FriVerificationStateConstant object
    • the FriVerificationStateVariable object
    • the last_layer_coefficients
    • the security bits
  2. Call verify_step in a loop on each layer of the proof (n_layers of them according to the StateConstant returned) and pass the FriVerificationStateVariable in between each calls
  3. Call verify_final on the StateConstant and StateVariable objects
  4. Enforce that the the StateVariable’s iter field is n_layers + 1
  5. Return the security bits.