
Between April 8th and April 12th, zkSecurity was tasked to audit the Aleo Puzzle for use in the Aleo blockchain. Two consultants worked over the week to review the codebase for potential security issues.

Puzzle and Token Distribution

The Aleo synthesis puzzle (the “featured puzzle” in public communication) is the proof-of-work scheduled for use in the mainnet launch of the Aleo blockchain. The goal of the puzzle is solely to ensure a fair distribution of tokens at the launch of the network, in particular, the puzzle solutions are not used to secure the network or to reach consensus: liveness of the Aleo blockchain does not depend on the production of puzzle solutions.


The engagement covered both the puzzle itself (part of snarkVM), as well as the integration of the puzzle into Aleo (part of snarkOS). As the integration into snarkOS is a very small change, the primary focus of this report is on the puzzle itself contained in the snarkVM. zkSecurity used the mainnet-staging-next branch (commit 14b03f5ec129991a0277c7d12d3fdd7ef86f8076).

Threat Model

We reemphasize that the Aleo puzzle is not directly used to secure the network or critical to consensus. Its primary purpose is to ensure a fair token distribution at the launch of the network. The aim of this audit is therefore to ascertain that there is no way to bypass the puzzle, precompute solutions (before the epoch hash is known) or in other ways gain an advantage without solving the puzzle itself.

It is not the goal of this audit to ensure that the puzzle solving code provided is optimal or efficient (though we do make some observations in this regard), in fact, one of the aims of the puzzle is to encourage the speedup of the computation involved in solving the puzzle: the synthesis of Aleo programs.

An important aspect of threat modeling the Aleo puzzle is that the hardness of any potential attack must be contrasted with the cost of simply solving the puzzle itself. In other words the “computational budget” of a valid attack is bounded by the hardness of the puzzle e.g. an attack requiring 264 operations to execute, would normally be considered a vulnerability in a cryptographic context, however, in this context such an attack requires substantially more resources than solving the puzzle for any imaginable proof_target. This report contains discussions of two such potential attacks, which we have deemed not practically relevant because the cost of the attack exceeds the cost of solving the puzzle.

Observations and Discussions


ZKSecurity has not identified any security issues in the Aleo puzzle.

Despite this zkSecurity has a few recommendations, mainly avoiding the use of SeedableRng::seed_from_u64: the use of small 64-bit seeds leads to “interesting” and non-trivial time/memory tradeoffs that can be feasibly exploited by an attacker. Additionally, internally, SeedableRng::seed_from_u64 depends on a non-cryptographic PRG, namely PCG32 (a linear congruence generator with a filter function) to expand the 64-bit seed to a 256-bit ChaCha20 key. Furthermore, the Aleo puzzle does depend on some level of binding to be provided by the 64-bit digest of the SolutionID: namely it binds the solution to the solver and prevents trivial theft of solutions.

Rather than using 64-bit seeds zkSecurity recommends doing the “boring” thing: consistently using the full 256-bit SHA2 output as the ChaCha20 key. Assuming SHA-2 behaves as a random oracle and the distribution sampled by the PRG has high entropy (which it does), this binds the input of the hash function and the output of the PRG in a cryptographically strong way. The primary motivation for the 64 bit SolutionID is to reduce the amount of storage/complexity required when checking for duplicate solutions. We note that for the preventing replay of solutions, the lower 64 bits of the 256-bit nonce can still be used as the SolutionID to distinguish duplicates, while using the full 256-bit digest as the PRG seed.

Overview of Aleo Puzzle

The Aleo Mainnet Puzzle is based on the work involved in generating assignments for randomly sampled Aleo instructions programs: a random program is generated based on the epoch_hash and the puzzle solver is tasked with finding a seed generating an assignment (R1CS extended witness) that hashes to a value below the threshold.

This choice of puzzle is designed to incentivize the optimization of the synthesis – which would improve the performance of proof generation in Aleo. This does not mean that solutions to the puzzles are useful by themselves, but the computation is “relevant”, in the sense that optimizing compute capabilities to earn additional credits, would benefit Aleo.

Sampling a Random Program

Every sampled Aleo instructions program contains a fixed prefix with a set of instructions populating the register table: defining public inputs and then by applying a fixed set of operations to the inputs to populate some registers. The random part of the program is sampled by feeding the lower 64 bits of epoch_hash (last block hash of the previous epoch or 360 blocks) into the ChaCha20 RNG. The RNG is then used to sample instructions from a weighted distribution over instruction sequences (in puzzle/epoch/src/synthesis/helpers/ The sampling procedure is a continuous loop that rejection samples unique instructions, until the number of sampled instructions is higher than NUM_INSTRUCTIONS - NUM_SEQUENCE_INSTRUCTIONS (i.e. 100 - 4 = 96), up to NUM_INSTRUCTIONS (i.e. 100).

A sampled program looks as follows:

program puzzle.aleo;

function synthesize:
    /* fixed program prefix */

    // load program inputs as public inputs
    input r0 as boolean.public;
    input r1 as boolean.public;
    input r2 as i8.public;
    input r3 as i8.public;
    input r4 as i16.public;
    input r5 as i16.public;
    input r6 as i32.public;
    input r7 as i32.public;
    input r8 as i64.public;
    input r9 as i64.public;
    input r10 as i128.public;
    input r11 as i128.public;
    input r12 as field.public;
    input r13 as field.public;

    // generate som (skewed) Boolean registers
    is.eq r1 r0 into r14;
    is.eq r3 r2 into r15;
    is.eq r5 r4 into r16;
    is.eq r7 r6 into r17;
    is.eq r9 r8 into r18;
    is.eq r11 r10 into r19;

    // apply Poseidon hash function to populate some registers
    hash.psd2 r12 into r20 as u8;
    hash.psd2 r13 into r21 as u8;
    hash.psd2 r12 into r22 as u16;
    hash.psd2 r13 into r23 as u16;
    hash.psd2 r12 into r24 as u32;
    hash.psd2 r13 into r25 as u32;
    hash.psd2 r12 into r26 as u64;
    hash.psd2 r13 into r27 as u64;
    hash.psd2 r12 into r28 as u128;
    hash.psd2 r13 into r29 as u128;

    // apply mul to populate some registers
    mul.w r3 r2 into r30;
    mul.w r5 r4 into r31;
    mul.w r7 r6 into r32;
    mul.w r9 r8 into r33;
    mul.w r11 r10 into r34;

    // apply ternary selector to populate some registers
    ternary r15 r30 r2 into r35;
    ternary r16 r31 r4 into r36;
    ternary r17 r32 r6 into r37;
    ternary r18 r33 r8 into r38;
    ternary r19 r34 r10 into r39;

    /* randomly sampled section of the program */

    mul r13 r12 into r40;
    add r40 r13 into r41;
    lt r25 r24 into r42;
    xor r29 r28 into r43;
    abs.w r39 into r44;
    xor r37 r7 into r45;
    is.eq r40 0field into r46;
    ternary r46 r12 r40 into r47;
    add.w r43 r29 into r48;
    add.w r39 r11 into r49;
    xor r38 r9 into r50;
    mul.w r50 r38 into r51;
    mul r47 r41 into r52;
    cast.lossy r52 into r53 as i128;
    add.w r25 r24 into r54;
    add.w r23 r22 into r55;
    mul.w r54 r25 into r56;
    mul r52 r47 into r57;
    cast.lossy r57 into r58 as u8;
    add.w r45 r37 into r59;
    lte r48 r43 into r60;
    shr.w r59 r56 into r61;
    sub.w r59 r45 into r62;
    shr.w r27 r55 into r63;
    mul r57 r52 into r64;
    cast.lossy r64 into r65 as u32;
    mul r64 r57 into r66;
    add.w r53 r49 into r67;
    gt r65 r56 into r68;
    add.w r27 r26 into r69;
    gte r36 r5 into r70;
    is.eq r67 -170141183460469231731687303715884105728i128 into r71;
    add.w r67 1i128 into r72;
    ternary r71 r72 r67 into r73;
    neg r73 into r74;
    ternary r71 r36 r5 into r75;
    square r64 into r76;
    mul r76 r66 into r77;
    cast.lossy r77 into r78 as u128;
    square r76 into r79;
    is.eq r67 -170141183460469231731687303715884105728i128 into r80;
    add.w r67 1i128 into r81;
    ternary r80 r81 r67 into r82;
    neg r82 into r83;
    add.w r62 r59 into r84;
    lt r51 r50 into r85;
    gt r65 r56 into r86;
    mul r79 r77 into r87;
    cast.lossy r87 into r88 as i64;
    add.w r36 r5 into r89;
    add.w r67 r53 into r90;
    xor r55 r23 into r91;
    ternary r86 r65 r56 into r92;
    mul r87 r79 into r93;
    gte r91 r55 into r94;
    sub.w r78 r48 into r95;
    xor r91 r55 into r96;
    is.eq r87 0field into r97;
    ternary r97 r12 r87 into r98;
    shr.w r69 r58 into r99;
    xor r89 r36 into r100;
    add.w r96 r91 into r101;
    and r84 r62 into r102;
    gte r98 r93 into r103;
    xor r90 r67 into r104;
    is.eq r88 -9223372036854775808i64 into r105;
    add.w r88 1i64 into r106;
    ternary r105 r106 r88 into r107;
    neg r107 into r108;
    lte r88 r51 into r109;
    mul.w r101 r96 into r110;
    xor r69 r27 into r111;
    xor r95 r78 into r112;
    lt r65 r56 into r113;
    and r104 r90 into r114;
    add.w r84 r62 into r115;
    gt r98 r93 into r116;
    xor r115 r84 into r117;
    is.eq r88 -9223372036854775808i64 into r118;
    add.w r88 1i64 into r119;
    ternary r118 r119 r88 into r120;
    neg r120 into r121;
    xor r104 r90 into r122;
    add.w r65 r56 into r123;
    lte r98 r93 into r124;
    pow.w r123 r65 into r125;
    add.w r123 r65 into r126;
    square r93 into r127;
    gte r100 r89 into r128;
    mul r127 r98 into r129;
    cast.lossy r129 into r130 as i32;
    mul r129 r127 into r131;
    cast.lossy r131 into r132 as u8;
    xor r100 r89 into r133;
    lte r110 r101 into r134;
    shl.w r122 r110 into r135;
    is.eq r133 -32768i16 into r136;
    add.w r133 1i16 into r137;
    ternary r136 r137 r133 into r138;
    neg r138 into r139;

Sampling a Candidate Solution

A candidate solution is described by a tuple (epoch_hash, address, counter), where:

  • epoch_hash: Network::BlockHash is the epoch hash.
  • address: Network::Address is the address of the solver.
  • counter: u64 is a counter to enable resampling.

From this a solution_id is computed as:

solution_id = SHA256(SHA256(epoch_hash.to_u64() || address || counter)).to_u64()

In other words, the solution_id is the lower 64 bits of the double SHA256 hash of the concatenation of the lower 64 bits of the epoch_hash, the address, and the counter.

The (64 bit) solution_id is then fed into the ChaCha20 RNG to generate an assignment of the public inputs (of type Boolean,Field, I8, I16, I32, I64, I128) to the program. Each public input is sampled uniformly at random from its domain:

// Iterate over the input registers.
for literal_type in self.register_table().input_register_types() {
    // Initialize the literal.
    let literal = match literal_type {
        // If the literal type is a <!--CODE_BLOCK_167-->, then generate a random <!--CODE_BLOCK_168--> element.
        LiteralType::Boolean => Literal::<N>::Boolean(rng.gen()),
        // If the literal type is a <!--CODE_BLOCK_169-->, then generate a random <!--CODE_BLOCK_170--> element.
        LiteralType::Field => Literal::<N>::Field(rng.gen()),
        // If the literal type is a <!--CODE_BLOCK_171-->, then generate a random <!--CODE_BLOCK_172-->.
        LiteralType::I8 => Literal::<N>::I8(rng.gen()),

The result is an assignment of all inputs to the program.

Validating a Candidate Solution

We now describe how the proof_target for a candidate solution is calculated: essentially how well a candidate solution “scores”. First “synthesis” is run on the sampled program (described earlier) with the sampled public inputs (described earlier), loading the public inputs and then executing each instruction in the program:

// Execute the instructions.
for instruction in function.instructions() {
    // If the execution fails, bail and return the error.
    if let Err(error) = instruction.execute(&self.stack, &mut registers) {
        bail!("Failed to execute instruction ({instruction}): {error}");

The result is a (valid) extended witness for the R1CS relation of the program:

let r1cs = A::eject_r1cs_and_reset();

The parts of the extended witness corresponding private and public variables are then:

  1. Concatenated into a single vector.
  2. Padded with zeros to the next power of 8.
  3. A 8-nary Merkle tree is constructed over the padded vector.

In pseudocode:

let witness = r1cs.public() || r1cs.private();
let leaves = pad_to_power_of_eight(witness);
let root = merkle_tree_root(leaves);

The proof_target is then calculated as:

// Truncate to a u64.
let proof_target = match *U64::<N>::from_bits_be(&root[0..64])? {
    0 => u64::MAX,
    value => u64::MAX / value,

Valid solutions’ proof_target is supposed to be higher than minimum proof target (of type u64) for the current block. Calculating a solution’s proof_target is the computationally hard part of the puzzle.